Website and Ministry Adjustments

Here’s the list of adjustments and changes to my website, and to my ministry, as I follow the Shepherd upward unto eternal life.


  • The homepage and website structure is made more accessible for visitors that may have spotty internet (not forcing the load of many images and queries), and page adjustments have been made to ensure these visitors can get to the content.
  • Added a Recent Posts feed on the homepage.
  • Added a dontperish area to the homepage for all dontperish content.
  • The Weekly Update section will include any additions made to the website, post reminders of the previous week, what I’ve been learning, and an audio walking through it all.
  • Changed the Witnessing Audio Archive page to recurring, weekly Witnessing posts.
  • Created a Image Galleries page, and have future plans to better sort the pictures in the Galleries.
  • Added a page for all Preaching posts.
  • A new Edification button is coming (hint: no certain dwelling place).


  • Scaling back street ministry to add more days for studying, reading, and exploration of other topics like the prophecy of Christ readings.
  • All studies, readings, and prophecy of Christ readings can be found at

What I’m Learning

  • The Spirit will keep you moving, though your flesh wants to stop you. He wants us to bear much fruit, and will give the strength to perform it.
  • God will continually refine his saints, as he always watches over us, and knows what we need before we ask.
  • Many witnessing opportunities in the workplace if you have no fear.

Posts This Week

I hope you have a good rest of your day or night wherever you are, and God be praised.
