Brother Akouo

Hello all,

My name is Akouo, and in Greek the word means “ability to hear.” You can find this word used by the Lord in Matthew 11:15…

“He that hath ears to hear(akouo), let him hear(akouo).”

This name was given to me by a brother, who identified my attentiveness to the Gospel, dropping my nets to follow the Lord as the disciples did (Matthew 4:20). The reason I adopted this name was not according to any scriptural command or ordinance, but according to the hope of salvation I have in the Lord Jesus. In Revelation 2:17, those that overcome will be given a white stone with a new name written upon it that only they know, and as a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), I’m striving to obtain the promises by faith, looking forward to the Kingdom to come, and my new name given by the Lord himself. Check out my brother’s teaching on this practice at this link here.

My testimony below exemplifies the Lord’s mercy he had on me, the trials and struggles I went through separating myself from the pagan American and false Christian world, and the grace of God which I now have as I abide in his Son, bearing him much fruit unto eternal life. I pray you’re edified by the Lord’s work in my life as a young man, and I hope you see that the Lord is faithful, and will do the same to you if you’re willing to submit to him.

As a final note, all the content of this website is under supervision of my elder brother in the body, as I’m still a novice in the faith, growing up in the Lord. I pray my continuance in well doing is an encouragement to those new and old in the faith.

The Lord is our strength,
