Losey Boulevard – La Crosse, WI

Standing for truth as folks traveled home for the weekend! I had the opportunity to shine the Light on a busy street corner of Losey Boulevard in La Crosse, WI today. Lots of people saw the signs, some thumbed up, some waved, some mocked, nobody pulled over to talk truth, but many seeds were spread! I got to give a Gospel card to two young men and encouraged them to seek the eternal kingdom of God. Check out the audios and videos below, and for more edification, check out my brother’s latest sign flying post here!

Thoughts as I walk out to shine the Light…

Corruption, degradation, and the temporary world…

Dandelions and Proverbs 31:30…

Thoughts about the Rock on which we stand as I walk back to my van…

Losing Your Church and Your Life

Two Young Men and the World’s Purpose

Churches or Truth

Living for the Weekend

Few There Be That Find It
