Lifest 2024 (Day 2) – Oshkosh, WI

The Lord opened up another door to preach at the carnal, fleshly rock concert of the professing Christian Americans, Lifest in Oshkosh, WI. Lots of worldly, prideful, arrogant people flooding in to please their flesh, but we stood for 8+ hours in the broad way, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, calling our neighbors to repentance and new life. Some got Gospel cards went out, many mockers got turned away, the Lord was glorified today as his truth was lifted up. Check out day one here, and be sure to check out my brother and sisters Lifest posts here.

Out at the Lifest entrance for the glory of God…

Man spent 2+ minutes digging out his Bible, didn’t use it, and tramples God’s truth…

Man claims he’s an evangelist, yet his house is out of order

Feminism takes over as the claimed evangelist doesn’t have rule over his house…

Man says I’m turning away believers…

Man ignores the call to repentance…

Fleshly man says grace covers sin, yet he calls out our supposed sin…

Sounding the alarm, warning these hypocritical Christians of their destruction…

Man approaches my sister, doesn’t go away after being told over and over again, the cop said he didn’t see harassment (many spirits here at Lifest)…

Woman gets agitated by the truth, but we continue to preach on…

Preaching against the wickedness here at Lifest…

Woman gives a thumbs down to the preaching of Jesus Christ…

Man gets in my face, woman lies, man defends Lifest sin, the fruit is corrupt…

Man walks by playing music, void of truth, puffed up in the flesh…

Man says we’re judging, another man passes and says I’m not of God, more fruit of Lifest…

The masses keep running to mischief (Proverbs 6:18)…

After 8 hours, still preaching truth…

3 people tried to bring me water today, no scriptural truth…

Man says “Jesus loves you” while I tell him what he lacks (more strange spirits here at Lifest)…

Preaching 1

Preaching 2

Preaching the Gospel

Abominable Prayer

Man Defends Sin

Another Man Defends Lifest Sin

John 12:37-41

Reasoning With A Man Defending Sin

Lifest Doesn’t Preach the Whole Counsel of God

Man In False Ways

Man Refuses to Seek Truth

Reading Psalms and a Roman Catholic Is Avoided

Pictures over the past 2 days, for God’s glory!