Evangelism and Biblical Edification

Hello everyone, welcome to another weekly update where I talk about some things I’ve learned, adjustments I’m making, and any recent activity the Lord’s allowed me to be involved in.

A big topic on my mind this week was my role in the body, and after some discussion, the Lord allowed me to see it clearly. The Lord has set me up to be an evangelist, sharing the Gospel and his Word in the world consistently with my neighbors. As a van dweller, I’m much more mobile than other brothers and sisters around the world, and adding to this, I’m a man that doesn’t require much to get by, and lives very frugally off of the things the Lord provides. The Lord prepared me for this ministry in my lost life beforehand, mustering up the boldness to preach on my college campus his word out of Psalms, and to rebuke a “Mark Drama” that was being held on campus by student organizations. I also evangelized various people on my campus, and I had the zeal to tell the news of Jesus Christ that I knew, to those around me. Whether or not this is a permanent role doesn’t concern me, as all things work together for good, and the Lord will use me wherever he needs me. As long as this is my current role in the Body of Christ, my edification(building up the saints) will focus on Preaching the Good News throughout the world, and Witnessing to my many neighbors around me. I will also be adding more Bible Readings and other topics like the prophecies of Christ as time goes on. I’ll be studying various topics with my brother you can find on the Ekklesia page of dontperish.com, and we’ll be doing various discussions and recaps there as well.

Biblical edification is another topic that was brought to my mind by the Spirit this week as I was working. This will be a topic to study more definitively, but there’s a difference between flesh-focused edification, and spiritual edification. The word edification in the NT scriptures means a building up, and one can either build the flesh up of yourself and others, giving provision to it, or one can build up the spiritual well-being of yourself and others, giving no provision to the flesh. It’s important to test all things and make sure the edification you provide is wholly of the Spirit of God to the building up of the Body of Christ, giving no occasion to dead works… works that fail to progress brothers and sisters in their walk with the Lord, as no man can please God in the flesh (Romans 8:8).

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Verses of the Week

“For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh. But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.”

Galatians 6:13-16