Art Fair on the Green 2024 – La Crosse, WI

The Lord opened up a door on a beautiful day in La Crosse, WI on the Viterbo University campus (a Catholic college, see the testing here) to preach the truth at Art Fair on the Green. This was a throwback preach, as I had preached here once before with my brother and sister back when I first started my walk in 2023 (see that here). We didn’t encounter police, we didn’t get harrassed, though some professing Christians mocked the truth, we continued to preach on and many got Gospel cards. God was glorified today, and many heard the preaching! Be sure to stay up-to-date on my brother and sister’s preaching here for even more edification.

Arrived at the preach…

Scouting the art fair grounds…

Some folks receiving the truth today…

Water, but no living water…

Brother Tupos preaching to some fair-goers…

This was one of my first preaches a year ago…

Preaching on man’s pride…

Leaving the fair entrance…

Standing on a busy street corner after the preach…

The Gospel


A Note on Critics

Perverting God’s Design

Man’s Wisdom Is Foolishness

Man Defends Sin