Hiawatha Pioneer Trail 2 – La Crosse, WI

A door was opened to preach the Gospel on Hiawatha Pioneer Trail in La Crosse, WI today. Nearby is the Catholic Diocese of La Crosse, see my brother rebuke their Eucharist procession and conference here, as the Roman Catholics are far from the Truth. I called my neighbors out of the churches today, to the biblical Savior, who requires you lose your life to be made a new creature. Many got Gospel cards, some listened to the Gospel, overall an awesome day of sign-flying, in temperate weather given by the Lord!

Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ…

A wake-up call for the spiritually dead…

Wrapping up the preach, the Lord kept the wind back for me…

Mankind Is Made for God’s Glory

Man Gets a Gospel Card

The Unashamed Get More Light

Young Man Listens to the Gospel

Man Says He’s Already Saved

Are Your Works Glorifying God?

Witnessing Comments

Motorized Chair Man Gets a Gospel Card

Compromised Van Dweller Gets Marked and Avoided

After some shopping I was packing up my things, and this man approached my van asking about the tire on my roof. I recognized him as a man my brother had previously witnessed to in the area. He wasn’t interested in repenting, nor in the Truth, so I marked, and will avoid him. Check out the original conversation my brother had with him here, titled “Man Walks Up To Gospel Van”